Sunday, July 8, 2012

It's too darn hot!!

Okay, now it is hot.  Over 110 this week, maybe up to 116.  I wonder if the incidence of crimes of passion go up with the heat?  I know it can make me cranky and irritable.  I know it is getting hot when I have a bout of near-dehydration...even though I am drinking a lot!!

Desert tortoise feasting on forbs.
This kind of heat stops most activity. My tortoises are mostly underground...I only see them every few days.  Now they know how to deal with this: estivate!!! We have our air conditioners and coolers, malls and swimming pools.  I was thinking, though:  I remember when we had only what my friend calls desert coolers, and no air in the car.  Even 10 years ago I remember trying to stay cool in my apartment without air.  We did it then. Now we seem to think that there is no life in the desert without air conditioning and swimming pools.

My air conditioning went out in my car a few years ago.  My friends were flabbergasted when I opted to wait for a couple years before buying a new car or repairing my AC, and live through the summer without.  Well, we never used to have them. Pretty strange how a matter of a few years can disappear the reality of an earlier time.  And we are not talking the "olden days!!!"

Don't get me wrong, I do appreciate my AC, but I have only had it for the last 4 1/2 years.  I just think we need to remember where we have come from so we can truly appreciate what we have.  Only then can we appreciate the cost.

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